KASE Filters #capturewithconfidence
Independent reviews have ranked the Kase Wolverine series filters as class leading glass filters based on the optical qualities, and a toughened glass construction adds extra durability and peace of mind for when you are out and about.
With no discernible colour cast, you will be able to capture the true scene colours that are in front of you, and the optical quality of the glass will give you great sharpness throughout your final images. The metallic nano electro-coated glass makes Kase Wolverine filters scratch resistant, water repellent, anti-reflective and easy to clean. Kase Wolverine series filters are a joy to use in the field, no matter what conditions you shoot in.
Kase Filters. What type and why?
GND (graduated neutral density) filter / grey graduated filter:
Graduated neutral density filters with different gradients
“Hard GND” – suitable for seascapes and flat horizons, “Soft GND” – suitable for ‘choppy’ horizons, or use within woodlands where the graduation cannot be seen in the final image, and “Reverse GND” filters – suitable for holding back the power of the sun whilst it is on the horizon.
ND (neutral density) Filter / Grey Filter:
For extending the shutter speed, even in bright conditions and these are suitable for photographing water to get the ‘silky’ effect, or photography where you need a longer exposure for creative reasons.
CPL (circular polariser) Filter / Polarising Filter:
Polarising filters are used to reduce reflections, from water, from glass. A polariser filter can also be used to increase contrast in photography, gives blue and green a boost producing impactful images. The filter holder incorporates a magnetic CPL that can be used in conjunction with GND and ND filters.
Kase Wolverine 100 mm Filter Kits is the ANSWER
A great way to start your Kase Filter experience is to look at the available kits. The kits are designed to get you up to speed fast. Available filter kits are the entry kit, high-end kit or master kit.
The kits come a soft carry case, the filter holder system which includes a magnetic circular polariser (CPL), plus a selection of Wolverine 100mm glass filters depending on which kit you decide on.
A Proud Kase UK Partner
The use of high quality glass filters for landscape photography is quite simply game changing and will improve your resulting images. I am happy to talk filters and help you get started, start a conversation here