If you prefer a day out, and to buy direct, I am at a number of events

Loch Fada and Old Man of Storr at Sunset Print


Loch Fada and Old Man of Storr at Sunset

Experience the dramatic beauty of the Isle of Skye with a breathtaking view of Loch Fada and the Old Man of Storr at sunset. The photograph captures an enchanting scene where the day's last light intertwines with the emerging nocturnal blues and incoming sea mist.

The prints vividly capture the distinctive spectacle of this twilight moment, where a rich tapestry of cool blues dominates the scene and the silhouettes of the fabled Old Man of Storr punctuate it. The subtle silver hues of the sea mist weaving through the landscape adds a magical, otherworldly dimension to the image, providing depth and mystery.

Mounted prints fit readily available frames. The mounts are Ice White to fit any decor, lightly textured, and made from 1.4mm thick, conservation-standard, acid-free board. They are sealed with back boards and arrive with you in a compostable cellophane bag to keep them clean in transit.

Kase UK Partner - Phil Sproson Photography

A Proud Kase UK Partner

The use of high quality glass filters for landscape photography is quite simply game changing and will improve your resulting images. I am happy to talk filters and help you get started, start a conversation here